Across the Seas

I have always been fascinated by the sea. My father was a sailor.  

Humans' relationships with water are often complex. Across the Seas explores our connections with the sea, combining the sea and seashore with family stories and emotions.

 Many recent discussions have highlighted the importance of human health, well-being, and ocean health interconnection. Research has shown that seeing the ocean or sea enhances our mental well-being. Easkey Britton, in her recent book “Ebb and Flow,” writes how water can be seen to have the capacity to facilitate a full sense of connectedness with life.  

Seashores can be considered liminal places, and the sense of place at sea often becomes hazy. Tides, winds, and seasons add to the overall experience. Thus, I have chosen a more experimental approach. With this ongoing series, I use photography as a research tool to make sense of our special bond with the sea.


Forest Lightness


Le Rêve Bleu